Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ronan helped me sweep and mop. So of course there was plenty of water on the floor :) He thought it was pretty cool to dunk his mop.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Just when you want to be alone...

The last boyfriend I had I broke up with about five or so months ago. Upon ending that relationship, which was done when "not liking kids" was more than just words, I decided I truly wanted to just be with my little man. At least for some time. It's stressful to try to date when you have a toddler. I'll elaborate another time.

Just as I'd settled into a good routine with Ronan, and no other relationships felt missed from my life, in walked a long-lost wherehaveyoubeenallmylife from about 11 years ago. Our potential is still there, and after a few months of chatting and a couple of face-to-face opportunities I've finally caved to try dating again. Hey, he's a good guy, and he and Ronan hit it off. We'll see.
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