Saturday, June 20, 2009

I am soooooo hating my post pregnancy bod right now. My boobs have deflated to a size smaller than I was before pregnancy, and aren't very good-looking, which they kinda used to be. My butt is smaller, but not in that I-need-to-work-on-my-gluts sort of way. And I officially have a muffin top. I'm just thinking about all this because I refuse to go buy new bras and jeans to accommodate this un-sexiness.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

One more for the night...

No more comments left since I disabled anonymous comments. Hmmm...someone embarrassed by their not-so-well-planned actions? Perhaps realize they may not know what they're talking about? Mayhaps someone found out who they were and gave them a good talking to? Hmmm?

It just goes to show, it doesn't pay to be a hater. No one wants to listen to you.

I was a 20-something Rock Star

I found out that I'm not in my apartment yet because the tenants who were to move out on the first haven't, and there is a court date set for June 29th to evict them. THEN I can move in. Well, at least I'm approved. Did I already blog about this? Anyway, a few more weeks and Ronan and I will have our first home together. I hope it isn't too hard on him, being in a new place with new things, and my parents not being there in the evenings.

So I applied for a job as a grocery sacker and pretty much got turned down on the spot because I can't work weekends. I'm not quitting Lenny's, not for any full-time job unless it's in an administrative position. And if he has a full-time position open up, I'll take it. Yes, c-store work is dead end, but I love working there, they're like family, and there's trust and a laid-back atmosphere. My boss is my friend and he's not hard core, and if I need something for my baby, I know he'll be lenient with my schedule. You just can't beat that. So, I did put in an application for part-time work at O'Reilly Auto Parts today. From my experience there so far, I probably know more about mechanics than any of those guys there. Anyway, a friend's sister's husband works there and said the manager is a really nice family man, and that's good. I'm only looking for 20 more hours a week to get a full 40. I can't work every day, I need time and energy for my boy.

Got a surprise package from mother-in-law/Grandma Seth today. Some absolutely adorable outfits that he can grow into and a fun book and crinkly caterpillar that he loves already. Good job, Grandma! I heard him crunching it the whole way to the window tinting place, where I got the rear driver and passenger side windows tinted to save poor Ronan's face during the day. I had static clings up, but I would look back in the mirror all the time and see the sun right in his face! It was $60 for the two, not bad, and he had it done in 20 minutes. I know it will look silly to have just those tinted, but when I can afford it I'll have the rest of the windows done. Those were the most important for now - my car came with NO factory tint. So, it gets really hot in there too. I have a mesh thing over the back glass, and a shade to put up in the windshield when it's parked. That's all for now!

My mom actually volunteered to watch Ronan after I get off work Saturday night...I'm hoping to get some of my friends together and have a jam session at Zac and Amber's. Waiting to hear back if they have plans, but this girl definitely needs some wailing-on-the-mic time.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Ew, Ronan gets his four-month immunizations tomorrow.

A Little Light Reading

I picked up some books, found myself wandering the self-help and related sections at Borders today when I couldn't find the book my psychologist recommended (The Prophet by Kahlil something). I realize that these books are only good if you actually use the lessons posed in them. I'm hoping to get into them and do just that. There are only so many things that someone else can help you do to change yourself. Here's what I got, they're self-explanatory as to why I got them.

*The Divorced Girls Society: Your Initiation Into the Club You Never Thought You'd Join by Vicki King and Jennifer O'Connell

*Facing Love Addiction: Giving Yourself the Power to Change the Way You Love by Pia Mellody

*Loose Girl: A Memoir of Promiscuity by Kerry Cohen

Ok, the last one I got not because I have a sex addiction (I don't) but because promiscuity has always been a problem for me and got me into the current predicament I'm in with my husband. Granted, it also got me my beautiful boy, but whaddya do?

I also picked up the new Stephenie Meyer book, The Host, since I enjoyed her Twilight saga so well. I'll let you know if any of them should be recommended.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Teething and growth-spurts are definitely no fun when combined. Poor little guy. He wakes up screaming bloody murder because he's hungry, but also does not want to be put down unless it's on his playmat. I just got my first nap in four days, much needed, but not long enough. He went back to sleep, but I have too much to do. Ah.

Just found out I am approved for the apartment. However, the people who were living in it are still living in it, although they were supposed to move out and said that they did. If they don't move on their own, there is a court date on June 29 for their eviction. So I shall be at my parents for a few more weeks. Alas, I've waited this long, but I'll have to spend another WIC voucher so it doesn't go to waste. Used food stamps for the first time today. I told the cashier I was and that I never had before, just in case I messed up and got something I couldn't buy with them. Okay, though. Guess it's not rocket science.
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