Friday, June 26, 2009

So, this is the new contraption I get to wear on my right hand until the tendinitis heals. So far it's only difficult to write and type, but we'll see how much progress I make at work tonight. My thumb is completely immobile except for the last joint, and I can't bend my wrist in any direction.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Penmanship Practice

This is me, writing with my left hand, getting ready for likely doing so for some time after I get my new brace tomorrow. You can tell where my hand started to get tired.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

So Scott's been trying to get a hold of me by phone for a couple of days now. After the first phone calls, which were 3 in number while I was in my 1 1/2 hour long session of physical therapy, I emailed him to let him know my known schedule for the week. He then proceeded to call me at around 11 p.m. (sound asleep), again while I was in therapy (which I had told him the time), and then twice while I was giving Ronan a bath. This last call he tells me he's getting pissed off and I need to determine a time I can talk on the phone. Excuse me for not being awake at nearly midnight or not wanting to leave my baby in the bathwater to answer the phone. He doesn't say what it is we need to talk about, just that we need to talk. I get no email, nothing, just increasingly hateful messages that I'm inconveniencing him by not being available to answer his calls, except he accuses me of screening them. I do screen my calls because I have creditors calling me, but I know what calls are his. Can someone please give me a break?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

By the way, it's just a coincidence that I'm posting less often now that Scott and I aren't fighting. I've been going to bed not long after Ronan, and busy with other things, like finding work. I just noticed I only had 6 posts last week.
Thanks, Jaime, I think I will have it done on the left side of my chest, above what's left of my boob. Hey, just using your terminology ;)

Stupid tendinitis. I have to wear a brace all the time now, and the therapist has ordered me a brace that completely restricts movement of my thumb, so I can have a chance to heal. Since pretty much everything I do with my right hand involves the opposability of my thumb, it's pretty much hindering any progress. I guess I'd better start learning to write with my left hand, legibly. I wonder if they still sell those big writing tablets they have for kindergartners to practice writing?
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