Saturday, November 16, 2013

Moving, Maturing, and Men

Wow, where do I start?

So I lived in the house with the other single mom for about six months. She got married and moved out...and got a strange new attitude toward our friendship. We are no longer on speaking terms, unfortunately. But that was my call after she said some terrible things to me and displayed her true colors as no more than an elitist, judgemental beeotch.

I stayed in the four-bedroom house and got a new roommate. A man, whom I'd met and dated briefly, which then turned into a friendship. He loves kids and proved to be great with Ronan and a decent roommate. His name is Phillip. More on him later.

Landlord of the home decided he wanted to sell! So, there I was getting ready to move again after I'd decided I'd found a place I wanted to call home for a long time. So be it. But we found a great three-bedroom home, three blocks from the school Ronan would start pre-k at. Phillip would have the master suite, an add-on over the garage, and Ronan and I would be side by side in the downstairs bedrooms. I made sure I could afford the place on my own in case the roommate situation didn't work out. He seemed about as fickle as me on where our relationship stood. Let's just say we were friends on a regular basis but more than friends on a frequent basis. But I kept my distance and my heart guarded.

We moved, with just myself, Phillip and a friend of his to move the entire house. We accomplished it in one day, somehow, and worked our butts off to do so and save on the rental truck. Apparently my hard work was the catalyst for Phillip regarding his feelings for me. More on that later.

Ronan loves the new place. He's got a room big enough to keep all his toys in, but plenty of room to spread out, like creating a racetrack on the coffee table ottoman, and has claimed my $10 thrift store armless "hug-me" chair as his own. He sleeps peacefully and has a ginormous back yard to run around in, ride his bike and have ninja sword fights. He loves school and is doing very well. Actually, his teacher reported he gets bored with the curriculum because he's so far ahead of the other kids! He had some behavior issues for the first couple of months, but everything has been ironed out and he's doing well. He also attends daycare after school and has improved in that area as well. He's getting so grown up in his 4 1/2 year old little body. Five is just around the corner this coming February. He's decided on a Transformers theme.

Phillip and I have been serious since the first Monday after we moved in May. I'm sure there's an easy-to-figure date, but at the moment I'm too lazy to look it up. I officially moved into his room about 3 months ago. He has become an amazing father, and an amazing partner. Sometimes it's scary how much we are alike, but we are just different enough to keep things interesting. We  have officially planned on getting married and having a child of our own. Never thought I would be having another baby, but now I can't wait. I've still got a good few years left on my biological clock, so there's no rush. And Ronan is looking forward to having a little brother or sister.

So, I'm officially no longer single mom. Phillip has had to leave for a while to take care of some legal issues, so I'm at it on my own again for now. But, just like riding a bike, I'm holding things together.

I suppose that covers life. I've had a few different jobs this year but finally found one I love. I'm working as a seamstress for a small company that makes custom leather auto seat covers. Love, love, love. It's so nice to look forward to going to work everyday.

I almost forgot. I'm no longer agnostic. Phillip helped me find my way back to God with a simple prayer. A "thank you" for watching over the little things in my life. I've found so much peace in my new-found faith.

That's the update. Hope you enjoyed. I hope to keep this up a little better. No, a lot better. I enjoy having a catalog of events of the little things that go on in my unpredictable life. I like it that way though....unpredictable. Attribute it to the bipolar, if you will. But things are never dull, for sure.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Life, Volume 33

It's been over a year since my last post and a lot has happened. Not going to catch up just yet as I'm typing this from my phone. But soon. Glad to be back.
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