Saturday, January 30, 2010

Yeah, turns out mobile blogging isn't all that great. The last post was originally published on Jan 20, but showed up in 11 different posts, going backward. Guess I should only use it if I don't have much to say. Am currently stealing internet access from a neighbor's unsecured wireless network. Dig.

It has been a long while since my last post, in part to the fact I don’t have home internet access. Another good excuse would be learning how to be an outstanding single mom and becoming anti-social in the process. What you read now comes as a text from my cell phone, which I finally set up for mobile blogging.

To finish the story that, I suppose, begat this blog, my dysfunctional husband and I were finally granted a divorce on Dec 28. Happy xmas to us. I got my maiden name back, and Scott got no responsibility whatsoever. Fine, I suppose, since every time he spoke to me it was vile lies and hatred that spawned from his own feeble mind.

So now that that’s over, what in the world do I have to talk about? My son is less than a month away from his first birthday; I overdraw my bank account every month just to pay my bills; I finally started playing guitar again, inspired by a friend’s weekly open mic; I am enrolled and have completed the first two exams in a career program to become a license pharmacy technician; I miss my girls in KS and MN terribly; I can’t stop reorganizing my apartment because the small size is really getting to me; I love my job but don’t make near enough and likely won’t be rehired next year due to a lack of funding; my baby sister is pregnant with her first child (it’s a boy!); my big sister’s husband has become a complete douche and a scary one at that…Well. After getting all that off my chest I guess we’re caught up now, aren’t we?

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