Saturday, March 6, 2010

I get by with a little help...

You know, call me mean. Or selfish. Or whatever. Lately, I run into some of my friends around here and they say, "Hey, Heather, we haven't see you in a while." Or, "Why don't you hang out anymore." Or you get the idea. Actually - since I moved back here the only time I see my friends is if I call them and invite myself to join them. I've had a few dinner gatherings and a housewarming party, but my apartment is beyond small so it's awkward even to have a couple of friends over. But that shouldn't matter. But even if it were easier for me to come to them, which it isn't (hello: baby), it's not like anyone's texting or calling and saying hey-you-wanna-come-over or what-are-ya-doin-this-weekend. Some do, but those that make mention of my scarcity in their lives don't. I just got tired of inviting myself. I even told one friend that...they didn't get it, actually...but nothing has changed. I miss feeling like I'm wanted around. When I chat someone up and say, hey, let's hang out, can I come over tonight? - even if they really want me there I feel like an intrusion. So, if you're one of these I'm talking about, I'm sorry for ripping off the band-aid. But I do enjoy your company, ya just gotta make an effort too. If you're not one of these friends, go tell the others what's what.

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