Friday, May 20, 2011

Well, it's been a while.

Ronan is smarter every day, anymore. He knows a ton of colors, can count to ten, knows several shapes. He can copy how I show him to do something, and just has a great memory all around. He amazes me, and even more when I read things like most kids don't know colors til 3 or 4. He's also 3 feet tall, which makes him officially more than half my size, lol.

Other things aren't necessarily so great. Chris and I have been together for almost 5 months, so that's good. But I only get to see him on weekends. I'm going through job searches again. Had to leave the sewing job - long story but it's my bipolar's fault again - loved working as a personal care aide but hurt my back doing it. Now I can't walk without hurting and can't work there anymore. Soooo on to finding something else, ugh. The county 911 dispatch is hiring me part-time, but that means I will only work when they need me to fill-in and the other part-timers can't. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed for this management position I'm interviewing for in a few days. It will be a winner, I'm sure, just not a shoe-in yet. So again, wondering where I'm going to come up with rent, bills, diapers...So sick of this. Just want to live and not think about money. When I don't have it is the only time I care.

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