Sunday, June 19, 2011

Success! And a new road trip.

Ronan made his first pee-pee in the potty this morning! He had a dirty diaper and went to the bathroom and wanted to sit on the potty. He very patiently wanted to keep sitting, and we read a couple of books, one about the potty. I left the room for a moment and when I returned it had happened! He was still sitting there, looking down into the potty, like he thought something had happened but wasn't sure. So I told him, hugged him, high-fived him, then we emptied the potty together and he put on his super soft, reusable training pants for an official start. He got a special sticker to put on the wall behind his potty. I'm so excited, and proud. I know it will be a somewhat trying and difficult time for both of us, but I'm just glad he's getting to know what's going on at last.

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