Saturday, March 20, 2010

Effexor. Rather, its generic, Venlafaxine (venlafaxine hydrochloride)

Although I'm still having "brain zaps" from the Cymbalta withdrawal - I was on a 60 mg. dosage and I've started Venlafaxine at 37.5 mg to move up to 75 mg - I have started feeling better, emotionally. The last two days, even when I've gotten very upset about something, I didn't burst into tears. That's a nice improvement from the last two months.

I have 4 days left on the lower dosage, then start the higher. About 4 weeks should tell if it's the appropriate dosage for me and if the new drug is, in fact, a good fit. I made a mistake when discussing the advantages I received from Cymbalta for all that time. It is a serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor. Not an SSRI, but an SNRI. That, I believe is where the big neurological withdrawal comes from (brain zaps - I have to credit my friend Shy with that term). I could be wrong, of course. But I did research it all once long ago and I seem to remember all of that. Anywho, Venlafaxine is also an SNRI.

It's funny how you remember some things and can't others, or certain contexts of your memory aren't easily accessible. I don't know. I'm getting too deep, so I think I'll go to bed.

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