Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patrick's Day 2010

So, yeah. Another March 17th rolls around and proves to be as insignificant as any other day. I don't even remember the last St. Patty's I celebrated. I think I was married at the time, and childless.

I may not have to move back in with my parents. I still have 30 days to find a moonlighting opportunity. If I could have just one turn of luck then, right now, a second income would be what I wished for. Too bad I don't have some green beer, or something.

That's my only chance, though. I checked everything, and I mean everything, else. I can't get financial aid through federal or title IV resources, or any other resource, because my career program is through a private institution that doesn't participate in any program. The only aid I could get is if I were still in the military I could receive DANTES reimbursement. That's it.

The complex I'm living in does not qualify for HUD or Section 8 rental assistance.

Every other type of government assistance out there, and I went to the federal site, not some hokey "we know where you can get free money" site, I do not qualify for. I even did the unthinkable and applied for a personal loan at a local bank with which I have history, using my car as collateral, and of course was turned down. Really, who needs to add more debt on an already dire situation? But I was thinking, if I can just get something to ride a little longer on...The loan officer even suggested bankruptcy. Now, if you can get a banker to suggest that, you know you're looking bad. But, of course, I'd need $1300 to do that, and it would clear 2/3 of my debt - but where do you come up with that kind of money when you can't get a loan from a shark and your next paycheck is still 15 days away but it's already spoken for?

So, I'm banking on a second income. I'm applying at the local casino and several places north of here tomorrow, since I have to go apply for my new social security card anyway. I swear, if I have to wait much longer to get rid of the name Beckett...But I still haven't heard from Walgreens or CVS on their pharmacy tech positions so I need to go see what's what. And apply at some pubs and some places in the mall or something. I'm still trying to get out of PV so it's kind of silly to try and fail again to get a job here that I'll just have to quit when I move. IF I move. Just when you think you've got everything planned out...

Oh, and I shaved my head. Not all of it. I call it a half-ass daisy. You know, the skater chicks from the early '90s? But mine is just shaved to a #3 underneath. So if I wear my hair down I can still look somewhat decent, as decent as I can ever look, meh.

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