Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A Little Light Reading

I picked up some books, found myself wandering the self-help and related sections at Borders today when I couldn't find the book my psychologist recommended (The Prophet by Kahlil something). I realize that these books are only good if you actually use the lessons posed in them. I'm hoping to get into them and do just that. There are only so many things that someone else can help you do to change yourself. Here's what I got, they're self-explanatory as to why I got them.

*The Divorced Girls Society: Your Initiation Into the Club You Never Thought You'd Join by Vicki King and Jennifer O'Connell

*Facing Love Addiction: Giving Yourself the Power to Change the Way You Love by Pia Mellody

*Loose Girl: A Memoir of Promiscuity by Kerry Cohen

Ok, the last one I got not because I have a sex addiction (I don't) but because promiscuity has always been a problem for me and got me into the current predicament I'm in with my husband. Granted, it also got me my beautiful boy, but whaddya do?

I also picked up the new Stephenie Meyer book, The Host, since I enjoyed her Twilight saga so well. I'll let you know if any of them should be recommended.

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