Friday, November 4, 2011

My Review of Triangular Crayons

Originally submitted at One Step Ahead

Never break or lose another crayon! These colorful, high-quality crayons are triangular in shape, so they can't roll away. Thicker and easier to grasp than others. Very long-lasting. Includes 24 crayons in a sturdy, flip-top case. Non-toxic.

Fun and Easy

By Heather and Ronan from Norman, OK on 11/4/2011


4out of 5

Pros: Creative, Comfortable Grip, Good Color Variety, Glides Smoothly, Fun

Best Uses: Fun With Kids, Art

Describe Yourself: Quality Oriented

Primary use: Personal

Was this a gift?: No

These are really easy for my 2 1/2 year old to use, and the case makes it easy for him to put them away by himself, and see all the colors at once. The case closes well to prevent spilling.


My Review of Potty Watch???

Originally submitted at One Step Ahead

Half the challenge of potty training: reminding kids when it's time to go! Potty Watch does it for you, alerting kids with music and lights that truly gets their attention. Set at regular 30, 60, or 90-minute intervals. Bonus: in "play" mode kids can sing along with the music while th...

Helpful for Parents AND Kids

By Heather and Ronan from Norman, OK on 11/4/2011


4out of 5

Pros: Lightweight, Portable, Playful Design, Easily Stowed, Easily Cleaned

Best Uses: Traveling, Toilet Training, Potty Use

Describe Yourself: First Time Parent

We had a hard time remembering to do "potty practice" every hour until we got this watch. The music that plays when it's "time" gets him excited about going to the potty, and we don't get too caught up in things to remember when to go.


My Review of KidSwitch

Originally submitted at One Step Ahead

Now your child can say, "I did it myself"! It's so important to help our kids build self-esteem and independence. That's why these light switch extenders are perfect for children's bedrooms, plus the bathroom, of course. They attach easily, so tots can turn their lights on and...

Works great for toddlers

By Heather and Ronan from Norman, OK on 11/4/2011


5out of 5

Pros: Strong Construction, Useful Application, Easy Use, Playful Design

Best Uses: Toddlers, Kitchen/Bathroom, Bedrooms

Describe Yourself: First Time Parent

I have one in my son's bedroom and one in the bathroom. It's easy for him to use and he enjoys being able to turn the light on and off by himself. He's potty training, so it's even easier for him to be independent when going to the bathroom.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Some things to catch up on...

We moved, again. But this time for a great new change in our lives. We moved in with my boyfriend, Chris, in Norman. It's been a month-and-a-half and things are great. Ronan took the change quite well and is really comfortable with the new living situation. Chris and I are even closer and more in love. We certainly won't stay in this tiny apartment forever - maybe not even for the full lease - but it's a good start. I'm still looking for full-time work but I think that problem is finally solved. All in all, life is great.

Ronan unfortunately has lost any interest in the potty or even letting me know he needs a new diaper, but his awesome new daycare let me know that most of the boys there are in their late 2's to early 3's before they start really training. That's definitely a reliever.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Success! And a new road trip.

Ronan made his first pee-pee in the potty this morning! He had a dirty diaper and went to the bathroom and wanted to sit on the potty. He very patiently wanted to keep sitting, and we read a couple of books, one about the potty. I left the room for a moment and when I returned it had happened! He was still sitting there, looking down into the potty, like he thought something had happened but wasn't sure. So I told him, hugged him, high-fived him, then we emptied the potty together and he put on his super soft, reusable training pants for an official start. He got a special sticker to put on the wall behind his potty. I'm so excited, and proud. I know it will be a somewhat trying and difficult time for both of us, but I'm just glad he's getting to know what's going on at last.

My Cards Portfolio on Photobucket

ViewsHound | Finding my father: a family reunited

ViewsHound | Finding my father: a family reunited

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Toilet Training Turmoils

An article I just published. This site lets anyone write!

Toilet Training Turmoils

Thursday, June 2, 2011

It has officially commenced!

Since he doesn't seem to mind being wet, we've gone straight to underwear. Through three pair so far today...but if it helps him become aware of when it happens, so be it. And as of the moment he's vetoing the underwear altogether, but is now even more aware of when the accidents happen. Still hasn't used the potty, but he needs to recognize his body's signals first. Sigh. Bring out the washcloths.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Diapers: To be shed soon...

Ronan has actually been telling me when he's dirty. Yay! And not fighting during diaper changes. Yay! I want to make sure I can have him at home training for a couple of days though, so we won't move into underwear just yet. I can't wait to say goodbye to worrying about paying for diapers.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Well, it's been a while.

Ronan is smarter every day, anymore. He knows a ton of colors, can count to ten, knows several shapes. He can copy how I show him to do something, and just has a great memory all around. He amazes me, and even more when I read things like most kids don't know colors til 3 or 4. He's also 3 feet tall, which makes him officially more than half my size, lol.

Other things aren't necessarily so great. Chris and I have been together for almost 5 months, so that's good. But I only get to see him on weekends. I'm going through job searches again. Had to leave the sewing job - long story but it's my bipolar's fault again - loved working as a personal care aide but hurt my back doing it. Now I can't walk without hurting and can't work there anymore. Soooo on to finding something else, ugh. The county 911 dispatch is hiring me part-time, but that means I will only work when they need me to fill-in and the other part-timers can't. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed for this management position I'm interviewing for in a few days. It will be a winner, I'm sure, just not a shoe-in yet. So again, wondering where I'm going to come up with rent, bills, diapers...So sick of this. Just want to live and not think about money. When I don't have it is the only time I care.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Help the Fight

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My Birthday Wish

My birthday isn't until July 9, but this year I've got a BIG goal...try $5000. Follow this link to find out why <3

Monday, April 4, 2011

My Review of Childproof Power Strip Safety Cover

Originally submitted at One Step Ahead

Safeguard your power strip. You've childproofed your electrical outlets don't overlook that computer power strip! Our safety cover snaps over the entire power strip, latching firmly in place. You can remove it easily, but your child can't. Includes four safety plugs to cover unused ou...

Excellent Product!

By Heather and Ronan from Pauls Valley, OK on 4/4/2011


5out of 5

Pros: Easy Use, Strong Construction, Useful Application

Best Uses: Accident Prevention, Toddlers

Describe Yourself: First Time Parent

This is one of the best child-proofing products for our home. Older homes don't have many outlets, so we are forced to use a lot of power strips. Not only does the strip cover keep my 2-year-old from dangerous exploration, it automatically makes the mess look way better. If you have to have an exposed strip, you need one of these.


Friday, March 25, 2011

Oh, and P.S.

Chris and I are still together, the guy I blogged about in January? He's wonderful, an understatement, and even  understanding and patient of my not-so-affectionate self right now. Ronan adores him and vice-versa. He treats me like a goddess, or queen, or whatever simile you prefer. I'm officially in love, and I know without doubt this is like no other relationship I've had, but that's a good thing. His lease is up in August and we'll be trying out the living together thing. A little nervous about it because I know I can be hard to live with. Ronan will love it, he always misses when Chris isn't here (he stays with us weekends). Ah, love.

Well, a few things have happened

Since January. Ronan had his second birthday, of which I am still in disbelief. I started my second nervous breakdown and lost my job because of it, another second. Since I'm not eligible for unemployment I am literally broke. Borrowing what I can to make this month's rent and then I'll worry about the rest later.

Ronan isn't in daycare, and I know he misses his friends. Playing with mommy all day just isn't the same, especially when mommy has to spend the better part of her day researching work at home jobs. Trust me, it's the only employment I'm going to get. I've put in over 30 applications to real places and not a single call. Well, one, but they wouldn't give me full time. Geez I think my cat just farted on my lap...

So I'm still having much bipolar remorse and hypersensitivity right now. Good news? The birth father I've been looking for the last four years didn't just go away and forget about me. No, I didn't find him. His baby sister found me, my aunt Renae. She let me know that he in fact passed away about 20 years ago and wished for her to find me. And I also find out I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters, whom I'm to meet at least this June at a huge family reunion. It's still all a little more than I can take in, very surreal, but very exciting. I can't wait to meet them and see how all of this goes.

Now, to find income...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Just BeCards: Try

Just BeCards: Try "Grand opening special: 'Follow' this blog or 'Like' Just BeCards on Facebook and get your first custom handcrafted card free, just for givin..."

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ronan helped me sweep and mop. So of course there was plenty of water on the floor :) He thought it was pretty cool to dunk his mop.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Just when you want to be alone...

The last boyfriend I had I broke up with about five or so months ago. Upon ending that relationship, which was done when "not liking kids" was more than just words, I decided I truly wanted to just be with my little man. At least for some time. It's stressful to try to date when you have a toddler. I'll elaborate another time.

Just as I'd settled into a good routine with Ronan, and no other relationships felt missed from my life, in walked a long-lost wherehaveyoubeenallmylife from about 11 years ago. Our potential is still there, and after a few months of chatting and a couple of face-to-face opportunities I've finally caved to try dating again. Hey, he's a good guy, and he and Ronan hit it off. We'll see.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sleep and Dinosaurs

I am blessed with a son who sleeps until at least 7 on weekends. This is spectacular since I get up at 4:30 during the week for work.

His big things right now are cars, trains, dinosaurs, animals, and Spongebob. So I was looking at a new Oriental Trading catalog and found they have Thomas the Tank Engine, Spongebob, and dinosaur party sets for pretty cheap. Then one morning last week while he was sick we were watching Dinosaur Train on PBS, one of the few cartoons he'll sit through. Duh! The perfect combination. So I'm on the prowl. His birthday is little more than a month away...I still have to make invites!

Friday, January 7, 2011

The Strep Throat Blues

Ronan is finally better, just a little cough left. I still have to force feed him liquid amoxicillin for three more days. This involves me pinning down most of his body by throwing my right leg across his torso, holding his left hand down with mind, and simultaneously tilting his head up and to the side and slowing pushing the plunger on the syringe. Yeah, it's not pretty. Not that I can blame him for putting up a fight -- when I first opened the bottle, a deluge of childhood trauma was unleashed just from remembering the smell. I'm glad our parents took care of us with proper medicines. But seriously, they couldn't have changed the chalk smell after all these years?
Anyway, I'm glad to have my boy back to his old self -- temper tantrums, deaf ears, and all.

The new blog

I've revamped, or at least started. It's no longer about me venting, but a catalogue of mine and my son's life together. I think it will be fun. I did delete all the old posts that were pretty angry or just plain whiny, and left a few for perspective. I hope to keep up with it often but my internet access is limited to my phone. Anyway, here is the dawn of a new era.
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