Wednesday, June 10, 2009

There actually may be something of a god out there...

My son slept through the night for the first time last night. Unfortunately, I woke up several times, probably worrying about him. But, I had also had some drinks last night, and that always messes with my sleep. But he slept straight through from about 10:30 to 7:00, started rousing for a bottle, then went back to sleep after he ate. Of course, I was getting ready for an early therapy appointment, so he woke fully after a bit, but was in a great mood, and didn't have to be fed again until we got home. So, yay, here's hoping for a new trend, like a second night in a row, with me sleeping through it as well...

Just to put a little perspective on things, I haven't slept through the night since my 3rd month of pregnancy, last August. You can see why I'm a little eager for a change.

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