Friday, February 5, 2010

I had chocolate Cheerios today. Yes, I said chocolate as an adjective for Cheerios. Life is good.

I should be studying. But I am far too exhausted to remember the difference between emulsions, solutions, and suspension right now, much less the different examples of each. I'm reading this chapter for the second time now. My sister said it was much easier in lab to learn each of the dosage forms because they were right freakin' there. I'm even having a hard time knowing how to pronounce some of the chemicals. I'm gonna show up at a pharmacy and be laughed out the door. Can't damn me for trying. Anyway, back to why I'm so exhausted: The hardest job I would have to say I have ever done - I take back everything I ever said about Army training in New Jersey in the winter in a freakin' sand pit and it's raining and the heaters tried to kill us from carbon monoxide poisoning and inhalation and seven days without a shower or running water - would be staying at home with a sick, feverish baby, who's just smart enough to try to communicate what is wrong and what will make it better, who's mama is just slow enough to try everything anyway. The poor guy's had a fever for 3 days now. Cold virus, they say. This is the worst yet. High temp was 103.5; don't you think that called for a throw in the lukewarm bath.

I certainly have many italics in this post. You know, ever since I installed the latest version of Firefox, I can't right click on anything. Piss.

I might be going bowling or roller skating or both with someone I met on the dating site. Yes, I already heard it from my mother. She knows how hyper-vigilant I am and still thinks I need to hear how scary that is. Well, I wouldn't have joined the damn thing if a) there was any potential to meet someone new in BFE, OK and b) I wasn't planning on ever making real-life contact with someone. No, the man seems very nice, interesting, similar interests, and a little out there like me. But time will tell. I'll either make a great new friend, boyfriend, or never see ya again. Life is much too short to wait for things to happen to you. And generally, while you're waiting for things to happen to you, bad things are waiting to. Ok, maybe that's just my drama. But you know me.

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