Monday, May 25, 2009

What an anti-climactic holiday weekend. At least my sister and her husband got to stop by for dinner Sunday evening.

So, my husband just confessed he's been reading my blog, and commented that I didn't think he was giving me enough money, that he has to go back to Seattle with no job, am I just dragging out the divorce to get more money from him, yada-yada. Oh yes, he's reading my blog and now I'm talking about him some more, but I don't care. He chooses to read it after he blocked me on Facebook. So, that was a little embarrassing, where under "We're Related" it had a blank "Facebook User" where it said "Husband." So I changed my relationship status to "It's complicated." I might as well change it to "Single," since I already readopted my maiden name, but that would almost be petty, now, wouldn't it?

Anyway, this is my therapy session, and I don't have to edit it for anyone. It's not my fault he's almost 39 and has nothing and can't decide what he wants to do with his life. AND IT'S ALWAYS ABOUT HIS GODDAMNED MONEY. His legal advisor told him he doesn't have to have a DNA test for me to file the divorce. Um, hello? Unless you're gonna say you're the daddy and pay child support and have custody rights, etc., they have to prove you're not responsible for the kid. So, because his legal advisor has a shoe up her ass and, according to my husband, wants to throw me under the bus, this is getting dragged out. And on his part, he says he won't make it ugly unless I make it ugly, but I didn't go and withdraw all the money out of the account and leave the other party hanging when there hadn't even been legal action. Yes, I know I'm repeating myself, but we have to keep talking about the same things over and over again, because it's like he can't remember from the last four times.

So, it turns out I can't ignore his emails. He's saying I'm leaving him in the dark, and why haven't the divorce papers been sent yet? So I remind him. I did throw in there that I don't need his stupid divorce to qualify for food stamps since he wiped out the account (which I have proof of by the way, and my attorney thinks I should petition to have half of it given back). Why can't I be dealing with someone who at least acts intelligent? Oh, that was a low blow, but seriously, I'm not the one with the college degree, but I'm having to explain everything like he's 2.

I see the paralegal at the bankruptcy attorney's office tomorrow. I guess we're just going to talk and see what there is to do. There is one account I won't be able to file on, because the bastards won't take my ex-husband's name off the account, even after telling me to write this stupid letter and have us both sign it, blah, blah, blah, and it did absolutely no good. This same creditor is no help when I call to tell them I can't make this month's payment, nor likely the next, and they say I must talk to some credit counselor before they will consider me for their hardship program. What, is this counselor going to tell me how to come up with the money to pay you and buy diapers? Bring 'em on!

Oh, and I don't think I mentioned the physical therapy. Yeah, some mysterious tendonitis in my right thumb that has gotten so bad I've almost dropped Ronan, has affected my hand-writing, and seems to be destroying the opposability of my thumb. So I have to go to pt 3 times a week, which is great, since I'm trying to find a full-time job that I'm sure would love to know that I already have previous engagements. But what can I do? I'm right-handed, and my left hand is now stronger than my right because of the tendonitis. And dropping my baby is not an option, and he's not getting any lighter. At least I'm still on free medical care. That will end when either my husband is no longer on active duty or the divorce is final, whichever comes first. At this rate though, we'll be signing the papers on U.S. soil.

And my cholesterol is 283.

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